
album-a-week 2019

One of my goals for 2019 is to reassess and traverse some of my musical blindspots.

Each week, I am going to find, listen to, and log one new-to-me album. I will probably also expand that listening further into the artist as well, but mainly I hope to deep dive into specific albums.

For many reasons, I will not be reviewing any of the albums I listen to. Primarily because I’m not here to pretend I’m an expert on any of this. I may offer some small insight into my initial response, but I want to explore how I came across the album, what made me choose it, and take a break from listening to my mostly Alanis/Britney-based Daily Mix 1 on repeat forever and ever…

Unlike resolutions from previous years, I want to set an attainable goal. As much as I would love to read a book-a-week, I know how that goes for me. I just won’t do it. I can’t write a blog post every day (nice try 2016 me). However, I know I will be walking my dog or tidying my house or writing emails many times throughout the week, and I can listen to a new album a couple of times while doing those things. 2019 is the year BEING REALISTIC WITH MYSELF.

So, here goes, 2019. Will this, like so many other blogging goals, die a swift yet painful death? Only time will tell…