2020 week 3 | titanic rising by weyes blood

This week I’m plucking another one from some best of 2019 lists, one I’ve absolutely never heard of but absolutely dig, Titanic Rising by Weyes Blood. It’s haunting, it’s intriguing, it’s ABBA, it’s mesmerizing, it’s relatable, it’s theatrical, it’s a grand, sentimental ode to living and loving in the shadow of doom.

Already very wrapped up in “Movies” and feeling VERY seen by “Something to Believe” (the first line is “Drank a lot of coffee today” and soon after she sings “got a case of the empties” so…I mean…). Plus, this is the second week in a row where our artist is barely visible, consumed in a sea (here, literally) of the surrounding situation. Gorgeous and enveloped (this album and me, respectively).
